Ph.D. School in Industrial and Information Engineering
Electronic and Informatics Bioengineering (ING-INF/06) / Industrial Bioengineering (ING-IND/34)
INDUSTRIAL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERING - Bioengineering Electronics and Informatics (ING-INF/06) or Industrial Bioengineering (ING-IND/34)
Campus/Location: Trieste
Language: English / Italian
Admission: Curriculum / Interview based evaluation
Duration: 3 years
More information on the official PhD website (under ATTACHMENT - Industrial and Information Engineering):
Our current and previous Ph.D. thesis:
The Ph.D. course goal is to train graduate students in Bioengineering, preparing them to work in an interdisciplinary environment, that aims to combine technology in order to improve human health and health care systems. Our current Ph.D. theses are acquired in the following domains:
- Neurorehabilitation and Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI)
- EEG signal analysis
- Analysis of kinematic parameters of writing
- HRV (Heart Rate Variability) analysis
- Eye Movements
- HFPV (High-frequency percussive ventilation) ventilation
- Mobile Health
- Bioimaging analysis
More about it on:
Previous and Current Ph.D. theses:
During the first year, the teaching activity regards the strengthening of knowledge in basic scientific disciplines and the organizational aspects of the research. It is personalized on both the previous study plan and the research topic of the Ph.D. student. Still, in the first year, the state of the art in the discipline of interest is analyzed and the main research theme is identified. In the second and third years, the individual themes are developed, with the possibility of a period of stay at research institutions of international relevance. Common aspects of training are the multidisciplinary theoretical - experimental approach as a qualifying aspect of research and the interaction with the territory and the productive world. The main educational objective is, therefore, the enhancement of the professionality of Ph.D. students on the international market of advanced research. The correspondence of the activities to the achievement of this objective is evaluated periodically by the Teaching Committee.
Scholarships (disclaimer: Please consider that the following data is only informative. Exact data will be/is available on the official doctorate website )
For the three-years Ph.D. candidates are supported by scholarships granted from the Research Ministry /the University of Trieste, European Funds and external bodies. The number of available scholarships may change from year to year. Each year there also topic-free scholarships, encouraging students to submit their projects. Many of the scholarships are shared among other disciplines in the Industrial and Informational Engineering Ph.D. programme.
The Ph.D. scholarship is paid in monthly installments for a total annual amount of € 15,343.28 (approx. €1130 net monthly). The said amount may be increased by a maximum of 50% if the Ph.D. candidate conducts his research abroad for a length of time not exceeding the maximum number of months.
Each year there are also some places without University scholarships, however, those students can still apply for local scholarships (approx. 3000-5000eur based on applicants economic status). More information:
Tuition Fee
The fees are subject to changes. Approximately the fee is 450-500eur/year. Students who don't benefit from the scholarship are waived from tuition fees.
Eligible students
EU/NON-EU Students who hold a Master's degree (equivalent of 300ects) in relating engineering fields and computer science.
Overview of the Application Procedure
More information
If you need more information, don't hesitate to contact us.
phd doctorate biomedical engineering bioengineering clinical engineering clinical engineering